I did interesting stuff and you should really know. Please note, none of those are from my $dayjob.

I order my electronic projects pre-assembled from JLCPCB most of the time. I really like the flow of ordering projects from them - I don’t have to keep big amout of redundant components at home, nor waste time on soldering them. Most often, after the boards arrive, I populate by hand just the ICs that are either hard to obtain, unique, or those that come from alternative source (like samples or leftovers from other projects).


I like writing nice-looking logging utilities for embedded environments, after diving deep into a couple of Arduino + ESP32 projects, I decided it’s time to write another one.

I’d like to make this project popular, but I don’t know how. Help me.



A cooperation between some people from hackerspace, I did hardware for it.

I also implemented dual-boot for ESP32 there lol, it boots a base firmware or WLED.



It controlls ants^Wantennas


It might be the first project in the world, that utilizes TOML for runtime configuration.


I want to make every light IoT-enabled, so I created a board for messing with it. Work in progress.



This project is rather interesting because I use it in many places, and as I gain more experience in embedded development, each revision asymptotically nears the perfection of what UART programmer with given constrains could ever be. We’re nearing the revision 4.

Also, I got “blessed” by Ladyada from Adafruit on my pull request for the cp210x-cfg, so I’m basically a profesional hacker now.

MateKrater WS2812 driver


Nothing impressive, but it’s used by many people in many places, so I’m kinda proud of it.

It’s fully compatible with WLED - see https://kno.wled.ge/



My friend asked me to do this one. Again, literally 3 buttons and an ESP8266. But in soldering kit form-factor.

It’s used as sticker printer controller for vortex-of-doom.

Also looks kinda cute.



This project I’m super proud of. I used it so many times, when debugging various embedded devices. And the best thing - it literally costs less than Analog Devices’ GPIO-to-BNC adapter, yet still providing this very advanced functionality of connecting some header pins with BNC connectors, and quite some more.

LCD thing

Another project with quite some revisions. In its’ base form, just HD44780 connected to an MCU via 5V logic translator. By MCUs I mean:

  • STM32F0 (2$ (before the shortage lol (the shortage has now ended and it’s even cheaper)) USB-compatible ARM)
  • ESP8266
  • ESP32

In the ESP revision I also tested some LiPo protection circuits. Quite an experience, but never again. In the end, I just unsoldered the circuit responsible for battery handling, and used it with 5V input

My friend wrote a nice Arduino snippet that shows hackerspace members being currently at our meatspace (https://github.com/hspsh/LCD-whois)

The STM revision happend to be super-useful when we were given quite some old HD44780 16x2 displays, and some random STM32s. Right now we’re working on usb-c board that allows PC media control via nice-looking front panel. Because we already have nearly all the components, the devices will be super cheap, and we’ll probably give them out as souvenirs, assuming they turn out to be useful.

Cringebox 3000

Super silly project, but it’s so much fun.

It’s an nanopi neo V3 and the “LCD thing” put inside an old radio, connected to its’ original speaker.

BigBroCast (https://github.com/cr1tbit/BigBroCast) is deployed on the linux SBC, so one may just hit the endpoint with any text, and cringebox will synthesize that text and cast it via speaker.

The device just stands at a shelf in the hackerspace.

When our ringbell stopped working, we literally implemented a new one using a QR code that, when scanned, cast “knock knock” on the cringebox. This is so stupid and hacky, I love it.


https://github.com/cr1tbit/laptop2usb - description is there

Other stuff

The projects below are my old work, and quite the opposite of how modern software development works. I’m fully aware of it, even a bit proud of it. Tell me, dear reader, what was the last time you’ve seen a javascript project without either node, or some other God-forsaken piece of technology, like, a javascript interpreter running on an arduino?


https://github.com/cr1tbit/REAS_clients - description

https://vcc.earth/REAS_demo - a demo! It literally can’t possibly work but it’s a nice POC and looks cute uwu


You’re reading now the thing that killed the SFB project. The former kinda works, but after messing with it I decided I have no more time bringing it to perfection. So yeah. Nah, honestly from the start that project was just a meme.
